Joint Ventures
Joining forces with reputable organizations to bring more optimal solutions to the table
Building partnerships with excellence at the forefront
With over 30 years’ experience in the fabrication, repair, and metalwork industries, we recognize that the best outcomes are achieved through partnership with companies that maintain similar standards. This is particularly true for organizations in niche industries requiring bespoke, high-performance, heavy-duty solutions, such as the US Department of Defense.
We currently operate several joint ventures that specialize in complicated, high-precision tasks such as military- and coast guard-grade decking systems, flushing systems, barge upkeep, and more. Reach out to us today to learn which of our joint ventures is best suited for your project.
Bespoke solutions to fit every need
Bay Metals & Fabrication operates jointly with reputable organizations to provide the following solutions:
- Marine decking installation
- Surface preparation
- Surface removal and refurbishment
- Flushing system design and fabrication
- Chemical cleaning
- Parts preservation and overhauls
- Hydrostatic and operational testing
- Decontamination
- Custom solutions and builds
We have vast experience in designing and deploying solutions in accordance with NAVSEA, Military Sealift Command, US Coast Guard, and ABS standards and other commercial regulatory requirements.
Case Study: United Mechanical & Flushing Specialists
United Mechanical & Flushing Specialists (UM&FS) is a joint venture between Bay Metals & Fabrication, LLC (BMF) and Accurate Marine Environmental, LLC (AME) providing proprietary mechanical system flushing and cleaning services. The joint venture was initiated to develop a turnkey flushing solution that meets four key requirements:
- 1. A rapid mobilization design
- 2. High-velocity hot oil flushing capabilities
- 3. Chemical flushing and cleaning capabilities
- 4. Compatibility with both DoD and commercial applications
As of August 2023, UM&FS has delivered the following custom, high-performance orders:
- Design, build, and installation of thrust bearing piping hot oil flush modules for two main propulsion diesel engines and two main propulsion gas turbines on the LCS-16 USS Tulsa
- System flushing of a highly contaminated main reduction gear lube oil module on the DDG-72 USS Mahan
- Design, build, and installation of hot oil flushing modules for a service diesel generator and four main propulsion diesel engines on the LPD-17 USS San Antonio
- Overhaul and a system flushing of the aircraft elevator on the CV-2 USS Lexington
- Chemical cleaning and preservation of a catapult’s air flask on the CVN-69 USS Dwight D. Eisenhower
- System flushing of a contaminated water tank on the LPD-21 USS New York
- Hydrostatic and operational testing on four service diesel generators on the LSD-46 USS Tortuga
- System flushing of the helicopter deck RAST system on the CG-64 USS Gettysburg
- Chemical flushing of the radar electronic cooling water system on the LPD-28 USS Fort Lauderdale